by VYBE Marketing | Jan 17, 2020 | Case Studies, Uncategorized
Barefoot Football Campaign 2019 SCOUT KIT 7 Campaign Word Cloud College students are the most tech savvy of all the personas. Social media ads that are hyper specific and mobile friendly e-commerce will be particularly useful with this group. Graphics should be...
by VYBE Marketing | Jan 13, 2020 | Stephenville Education Foundation
First Rule of Business STEPHENVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION - SCOUT KIT 7 OBJECTIVE As part of the overall strategy of donation promotion for SEF, they are targeting business owners to become partners to Stephenville Education Foundation. WORD CLOUD The first rule...
by VYBE Marketing | Jan 8, 2020 | Barefoot Campus Outfitters, Uncategorized
#beours2020 BAREFOOT CAMPUS OUTFITTERS - CAMPAIGN SCOUT KIT 7 OBJECTIVE Draw conversions from email base/loyal customers for Valentine’s Day promotion 2020. Use the database of exhisting customers. WORD CLOUD Free Valentine’s Day t-shirt* with...
by VYBE Marketing | Jan 6, 2020 | Barefoot Campus Outfitters
Back To Campus 2020 BAREFOOT CAMPUS OUTFITTERS - CAMPAIGN SCOUT KIT 7 OBJECTIVE Draw interest from student-age users to buy new school/lifestyle clothing/items as they head back to college campuses for the spring semester. Secondary: to reach parents of college...
by VYBE Marketing | Jan 6, 2020 | Cross Timbers Orthopaedics
CROSS TIMBERS ORTHOPAEDICS CAMPAIGN: Your Best Defense is Injury Prevention 7 OBJECTIVE Educate viewers on the effectiveness of strength training and injury prevention with CTO. WORD CLOUD Demographics change a bit for this campaign, they are young athletes and...
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