This campaign will focus on a digital marketing strategy that is driven to bring brand awareness through a positive campaign with the featured thought of rallying together. This campaign will not push any specific products. The feel of this campaign will be hopeful, positivite, and bring everyone together, after a time of feeling down from the pandemic.
Campaign copy
Header: “Wherever You Are, Let’s Rally!”
CTA: Shop the Look
Web Headers – one generic and one for each school
Social Media – Facebook and Instagram (ads + organic)
Social Media Stories – Facebook and Instagram (ads + organic)
Pinterest Ads
Google Text Ads
Pop Up
School Store Managers Social Assets – all assets for each school’s store manager to post on social media
Video – school specific and generic
September 22nd – November 2?
Campaign GRaphics

Ad Spend Plan
Google Text Ads $8,500 (Evergreen)
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest: $1,500
email Plan
Main Email Blast
One per week – Full List & School Lists
Follow Up Emails
One sent if original email not opened
One sent if link not clicked
“Suggested Email” sent one week after purchase
Total emails designed and sent: 84
Client Contact
Greenfox Team
COO: Zeke Dorr
Senior Project Manager: Kelsey Wallen
Digital Director: Aaron Meeks