DOWNLOAD THE APP ERBO - SCOUT KIT 7 Objective For consumers to download the app, owners or renters. We’ve split this campaign by four key personas, these are Young Professional, Father Figure, Single Mom, and Trade Professional. Based on the geographical region...


G-Force & Associates, Inc. BRAND AWARENESS - SCOUT KIT 7 Objective Advertise services and run awareness campaign for various industries simultaneously. These include automation companies for oil and gas, and electrical and industrial for non-oil and gas....

Revolver : Local Campaign

LOCAL SUPPORT REVOLVER - SCOUT KIT 7 Objective Revolver Brewing is a macro-bought former craft brand interested in a campaign that connects their business to their location, Granbury, Texas. The goal is to generate local buzz, general marketing, brand awareness,...

Couto : Share The Love Campaign

SHARE THE LOVE COUTO - CAMPAIGN SCOUT KIT PART I & II 7 TAGLINE IDEAS Valentines Campaign “Share the Love” “Show the Love” “Couto Home is Where the Heart Is” PART 1 OBJECTIVE To gain conversions based on testimonial retrieval by utilizing Couto Homes current CRM...