“Call of the Wild”
To craft premium game calls that produce the authentic sound of the wild and cultivate comradery among waterfowl sportsmen.
Color Palette


“Traditional Troy”
Traditional Troy is a hard worker, he is well into his career and identifies himself as accomplished. He is comfortable in his leadership role at home, in the community and at work.
Stay focused on networking and reputation, word of mouth is powerful with this demographic. Make them feel like they’ve been given a deal. The best marketing channels for Traditional Troy are traditional! These include billboards, promotional materials for networking events, and be sure you have an easily navigated online presence (SEO).

mid-lifer Hobbyist
“Reliable Richard”
Reliable Richard is steady and well-ordered in life. He is financially stable and dependable to those around him, including colleagues, family and friends. He’s a bit set in his ways and looks to new adventures (hobbies) as outlets to learn more about himself and build his experience with the world.
Reliable Richard is traditional, yet surprisingly open to new ideas. He’s spent so much of his life committed to routine, he’s open to stepping out of it from time to time. The best way to reach him is to give him the “why”. He wants to learn more the moment he sees that your product is a viable option, whether that’s through educational videos or recommendations from trusted sources. He is interested in sport and competition as it lends to a sense of accomplishment and status. Let him know about your business through invitationals and trusted real life testimonials.

trade professional
“dedicated daniel”
Dedicated Daniel is a Hard-working blue collar professional and has chosen his path and sticks to what he knows. Dedicated Daniel lives for today and is somewhat of a rogue member of society
It’s best to position yourself boldly and across multiple platforms. Dedicated Daniel is traditional with his values, yet adventurous with his social communication and recreational activities. He likes to be on top of trends and impress his peers. Make yourself easy to find on Google, re-target him like crazy, and remain relatable yet cool with your social media presence. There’s a fine line between conservative and edgy with this one.
Valor Values
Live a life of valor.
Continually strive for improvement and innovation.
Master caller or beginner, everyone is fit for our game calls.
Craft and design each call to inspire hunting through customization.
Comprised of honorable, hardworking individuals all striving for the same common goal to deliver a quality game call.
The goal is for continued growth while keeping the customization and quality of each product. In addition, elevate the presentation and identity of the Valor Game Calls brand. Further develop the characteristic of honor and effortless cool that buyers desire to be a part of.
Client Contact
Micah Smith: micah@valorcalls.com