True Texas Builders

Brand Kit

True Texas Builders Logo

Rattler Ranch Logo

Esates of Rattler Ranch Logo

Color Palette







Resources – Rattler Ranch

Here are some of the resources that you might need.

Resources – Estates of Rattler Ranch

Here are some of the resources that you might need.


True Texas Builders is a home building company that strives for excellence. Through growing rapidly and overcoming challenges along the way, they have set out to build strong communities for their clients. The goal is to serve their customers with quality communication and skilled craftsmanship. Creating a partnership with clients and families, TTB believes in transparency and doing what they have promised in order to gain trust and establish relationships. Being long-term members of the community, it is imperative that they are contributing to the success and growth of the areas in which they serve.


It is the purpose of the company to provide a high end product and home building experience, while maintaining a lucrative place of business. True Texas Builders relies on quality relationships – this includes loyalty to vendors, staff, and reinforcing the customer experience to ensure profitability and longevity. Brand elements should reflect these values by remaining consistent, modern and bold (strong). 

Voice & Tone

The voice of True Texas Builders is wise, and at the same time modern as they work to stay relevant. This keeps the brand’s voice strong by reflecting modern day trends, while simultaneously holding on to traditional values. Consumers should feel like they can look to True Texas Builders for high style. The tone is educated and familiar, while the voice is one that knows their client and how to reach them. They pay attention to detail and they suspect their client will, too. True Texas Builders appeals to a large number of people with their primary products being spec homes and custom homes alike. Due to the wide audience variety, they are well-versed in what it is that captures their audience by showcasing important features and quality craftsmanship that go into both the spec homes and the custom homes. The clients trust that regardless of the size, they are getting the best quality in their homes. 


Cultivating a healthy working relationship with vendors and customers is essential. Style and reputation should be considered across all platforms. The homes are excellent in quality, both in beauty and lastingness. The main focus of True Texas Builders should be to reflect this quality successfully engaging the most desirable demographics. 


Key Personas are characteristics that suit the ideal clients/target audience that we want to appeal to most. Because we are trying to capture two different demographics – those that would buy a spec home, and those that would build a custom home, we have selected two different types of personas. Since there is so much opportunity in between the two types of “ideal clients”, we will be essentially targeting both with a mixture of content that will identify these characters.

Polished Preston

Traditional Professional


Polished Preston is all business, he is well into his career and identifies himself as accomplished, also he is comfortable in his role as a leader, both personally and professionally. 


  • Demographic could skew male or female
  • Ages 35 – 60
  • Household income: $120,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood, convenient to high end shopping, restaurants and historic landmarks


  • Polished appearance
  • Conservative, however high quality assets like a Ford King Ranch truck
  • Looks forward to leisure time, golf, travel, fishing etc. 
  • Old school charmer (identifies with their generation)


  • Retirement
  • Interested in protecting assets and investments
  • Making a difference, notable recognition


  • New technology and trends
  • Health and fitness
  • Work life balance
  • Mid-life choices

How to Reach Polished Preston:

Stay focused on quality and prestige with top brands and portfolio. Make them feel like they’ve been given a deal and made a dependable vendor for future orders. The best channels for Polished Prestons are traditional, these include billboards, promotional materials for networking events, and an easily navigated online presence (SEO).


jazzy Judy

Cool Silver


Jazzy Judy is loving life! She is financially stable and living out her dreams, she has a couple of grandkids and she is almost completely comfortable with who she is. Jazzy Judy is confident in her decision making and as a mentor the many family and friends that she cares about.


  • Demographic could be male or female
  • Ages 55 – 75
  • Household income: $80,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood in her paid off ranch style home


  • Highly maintained appearance (hair, nails, eye cream, etc)
  • Likes to be “in-the-know”, stays involved in family and community groups
  • Has a smartphone, but never answers it
  • Worries about everyone all the time


  • Health and longevity
  • Learning new things
  • Instilling good memories and healthy habits


  • Choosing positive trends
  • New technology
  • Balancing family and self-care
  • Financial stress (specifically unknowns, like budgeting medical care)

How to Reach Polished Preston:

Jazzy Judy is not impulsive, she considers every decision carefully. The best way to impress her is to come highly recommended by friends and acquaintances, testimonials go a long way with Jazzy Judy. Staying in front of her, sublimidly, may work, too. In other words, be present visually with signage and social media campaigns (while she’s liking pics of the grandkids on Facebook). Jazzy Judy may not remember why she knows who you are, but she’ll find comfort in recognizing your brand. 

Reliable Richard

Mid-Lifer Hobbist


Reliable Richard is steady and well-ordered in life. He is financially stable and dependable to those around him, including colleagues, family and friends. He’s a bit set in his ways and looks to new adventures (hobbies) as outlets to learn more about himself and build his experience with the world.


  • Demographic could be male or female
  • Ages 55 – 75
  • Household income: $80,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood in his paid off ranch style home


  • Highly maintained appearance (hair, nails, eye cream, etc)
  • Likes to be “in-the-know”, stays involved in family and community groups
  • Has a smartphone, but never answers it
  • Worries about everyone all the time


  • Health and longevity
  • Learning new things
  • Instilling good memories and healthy habits


  • Choosing positive trends
  • New technology
  • Balancing family and self-care
  • Financial stress (specifically unknowns, like budgeting medical care)

How to Reach Polished Preston:

Reliable Richard is traditional, yet surprisingly open to new ideas. He’s spent so much of his life committed to routine, he’s open to stepping out of it from time to time. The best way to reach him is to give him the “why”. He wants to learn more the moment he sees that your product is a viable option, whether that’s through educational videos or recommendations from trusted sources. He is interested in sport and competition as it lends to a sense of accomplishment and status. Let him know about your business through invitationals and trusted real life testimonials.

cool cynthia

Vacation Home Buyer


Cool Cynthia is calm and collected. She has been successful in life, she looks really great on paper (successful career, successful hobbyist, successful mother figure). She may have a couple of kids or grandkids. She is comfortable (for the most part) with the decisions she’s made in life. She lives for herself, she doesn’t feel bad about taking time or money out for what she needs.


  • Demographic could be male or female
  • Ages 35 – 55
  • Household income: $100,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood, they also have a vacation home


  • Generally still working and/or has children in the house
  • Stays involved, but enjoys her alone time (or family time), too
  • Is comfortable with current technology platforms 
  • Is less worried about society expectations than her younger peers (only slightly)


  • Getting the most out of her free time
  • Establishing personal goals and meeting them
  • Health and longevity


  • Finding free time
  • Maintaining superficial, yet important relationships
  • Balancing family and self-care
  • Budgeting unknowns like healthcare and wellness

How to Reach Polished Preston:

Cool Cynthia can be impulsive, but she’s generally a straightened arrow. She’s confident. She knows what she wants and goes after it. She has little time left for herself, but works to find it. Get in front of her by remaining very present on multiple platforms. Remember she has very little time, so Google targeting, social media targeting, and SEO is all important. Print is not as important, but she does like to pick up local magazines. Personal recommendations from colleagues or friends go a long way for her, too. Just be sure to be easily searchable when she Googles you.

Refined Robert

Retiree Silver


Refined Robert is as practical as he is wealthy. He knows his way around investments and keeps himself well informed using his qualified resources. Outside of his own family’s prosperity, the health and progression of civilization are important to him. 


  • Demographic could skew male or female
  • Ages 50 – 75
  • Household income: $500,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood, possibly historic


  • His level of class is out of reach for most
  • Philanthropic
  • Has a hard time not working
  • Old money


  • Setting goals and seeing them to completion
  • Contributing to the success of the future
  • Making a difference, notable recognition


  • Spontaneity 
  • Personal relationships
  • Extracurricular commitments
  • Putting his pen down

How to Reach Refined Robert:

This is a demographic that is distinct and sometimes difficult to attain. They are not only an educated buyer, but they are also an educated home buyer. They are knowledgeable about investments, specifically real estate. Furthermore, this home is a physical realization of their accomplishments and a destination for where they want to live their best years with family and friends. They place value on the source and story of the product, however not as intensely as the modern mom. They are a little less romantic, dosed with a healthy serving of logic. Silvers are influenced by their own wisdom and their peers, to which they are, in return, intensely persuasive. They expect a detailed outline of processes and if they pick you to be their consultant, you must live up to their expectations. In exchange, the outcome is rewarding and lends to effectively reaching this dominant demographic.

Client Contact

VYBE Marketing Team

President & COO Kelsey Wallen
Project Manager: Michelle Cooper