Puerco de mayo

Logo Development SCOUT

project DETAILS


  • Logo Package:
    Executive Logo Development that may include the following activities depending on the requirements identified by customer for creation of the logo. The scope of each activity is limited to what is considered industry standard.
    1. Logo questionnaire
    2. Three (3) concept development
    3. Up to four (4)  revisions for 1 selected / defined concept
    4. Research to define brand and style guide
    5. Color brand development – Defined colors for selected concept
    6. One page style guide – GreenFox standard document
    7. File formats (standard PDF with PNG, JPEG as preferred)
    8. Custom illustration development if standard images are not available for a selected Concept
    Poster Design:
    GreenFox will design an event poster at designated size requirements using the logo and branding developed with the logo. GreenFox will also produce a press-ready graphic for Comanche Chamber of Commerce to print, either through GreenFox or another print vendor.
    Print costs are billed separately.

Event Details

  1. Teams of 15-20 BBQers
  2. Sell the plates to raise money for the VFD (Volunteer Fire Department)
  3. Served with beans, potato salad, rolls and dessert
  4. May 1 – Noon to 1pm
  5. Checkin deadline is May 2 at noon


Color Palette





Resource links

Key Personas


Trade Professional


Dedicated Daniel has chose his path a long time ago and sticks to what he knows. Dedicated Daniel lives for today and is somewhat of a rogue member of society.


  • Demographic could be male or female
  • Ages 18 – 50
  • Household income: $25,000/year – $90,000+/year
  • Lives nearby in a small town


  • These trade guys are money driven (move where the jobs are)
  • They love their toys – guns, tools, equipment, motors, Copenhagen etc.
  • Typically have a couple children
  • They prefer to keep it simple


  • Fish and game records
  • Save money and dream big
  • Keep Momma happy


  • Industry fluctuation / job changes
  • Financial stress
  • Knowing when it’s the right decision
  • Stepping outside his comfort zone

How to Reach Dedicated Daniel:

It’s best to position yourself boldly and across multiple platforms. Dedicated Daniel is traditional with his values, yet adventurous with his social communication and recreational activities. He likes to be on top of trends and impress his peers. Make yourself easy to find on Google, re-target him like crazy, and remain relatable yet cool with your social media presence. There’s a fine line between conservative and edgy with this one.


Cool Silver


Jazzy Judy is loving life! She is financially stable and living out her dreams, she has a couple of grandkids and she is almost completely comfortable with who she is. Jazzy Judy is confident in her decision making and as a mentor the many family and friends that she cares about.


  • Demographic could be male or female
  • Ages 55 – 85
  • Household income: $80,000+
  • Lives in an established neighborhood in her paid off ranch style home


  • Highly maintained appearance (hair, nails, eye cream, etc)
  • Likes to be “in-the-know”, stays involved in family and community groups
  • Has a smartphone, but never answers it
  • Worries about everyone all the time


  • Health and longevity
  • Learning new things
  • More butter


  • Car maintenance
  • New technology
  • Balancing family, church family, and self-care
  • Living on a fixed income 

How to Reach Jazzy Judy:

Jazzy Judy is not impulsive, she considers every decision carefully. The best way to impress her is to come highly recommended by friends and acquaintances, testimonials go a long way with Jazzy Judy. Staying in front of her, subliminally, may work, too. In other words, be present visually with signage and social media campaigns (while she’s liking pics of the grandkids on Facebook). Jazzy Judy finds comfort in recognizing your brand.


Here are some of the resources needed for the project.

Client Contact

Virginia M. Fleming: virginiacomanchechamber@gmail.com

VYBE Marketing Team

President & COO Kelsey Wallen
Project Manager: Michelle Cooper