The objective is to create a funnel that will get people from the top of the funnel (hearing about GreenFox) to the bottom of the funnel (making a purchase.)
Social Post/Ads → Blog on Site → Brand Assessment (collect Email) → Brand Assessment Report Sent → Email Drip (6 emails over 21 days) → Offer→ In person meeting
Social Media/Advertising Notes
When writing copy for this campaign, be sure to make mention of the unicorn. The idea is that we don’t want their brand to be like a unicorn because unicorns don’t exist. Often times brands feel like they don’t exist either when searching on google. So as headliners use phrases like;
“Unicorns don’t exist, and by the looks of it, neither is your brand.”
“Do you ever feel like people have a better chance finding a Unicorn than finding your brand on google?”
“Is your brand like a unicorn? Amazing in your mind, but non existent in real life?”
If we aren’t already there by the time you read this, it is likely that we will be going to a shelter in place in the near future. This is not to be a scare tactic rather setting you up for success. Today more than ever, it is crucial that your online presence is better than ever. You have to treat this like a brick and mortar store. Actually, you have to treat it better. Let me explain. In a brick and mortar, you are able to hide all of your issues behind closed doors, or covering things up with furniture. For example, in my office, there is a wall that used to have about 50 phone lines plugged in (used to be a call center). All I had to do was take a piece of furniture and cover it up. Boom you can’t see it and you would never know it was there. Easy right?
Well, unfortunately online is not as forgiving. If you have holes in your online presence, there is no hiding it. You are either going to be penalized by the major search engines like google or the users themselves will not look at you as a valid entity. If you had a website built years ago, through some information on google and made a Facebook page, there is a HIGH possibility you have a ton of issues that are affecting your sales.
So what is a Brand Assessment?
A brand assessment consists of our expert team diving in to your online presence and process. Essentially, we want to make sure you are not a unicorn and that you actually exist online when someone is looking for you or a service or product like yours. We will look at your website technical specs, online listings, social presence, sustainability, functionality, search ability, and more. At the end, we will offer no pressure solutions to fix these issues.
Our team is here to help
Our team is ready to take this on and help you get your business to where it needs to be. The price for a brand assessment is $199. However, during this pandemic we are offering our brand assessment for FREE. This takes our team several hours to complete but we are ready to help and be your number one resource for any online needs. Click the form below to get your brand assessment started!
Your Name
Your Email
Your Business Phone Number
Your Business Name
Type of Business (ex. Construction, financial services, etc…)
Social Channels
Do you do any online Advertising?
If yes, What type (google ads, social media ads, other)
What is your monthly ad spend?
Campaign Hashtag
Color Palette
Example campaign image